This piece was from a 24 hour art project that several groups of students participated in. The idea was for the different groups to split up and create their own art installation in 24 hours with a show happening at the end of the allotted time. I decided to put together a team to create something in virtual reality using Unity and an Oculus Rift. The theme we were given for the project was "Social Fabric," and we had to incorporate fabric into our piece in some way. We took three different fabrics with patterns from different areas around the world, made replicas within the VR app, and programmed a system so that a player could place one of the fabric swatches onto a pedestal and be teleported to an area coinciding with the fabric they chose. For this, we built a replica of the art gallery that the final piece was going to be displayed in and used open-source 360 degree video for the other areas.